SDA Makes Award for Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) Battle Management Command, Control, and Communications (BMC3) Application Factory
Date: June 8, 2023Â
The Space Development Agency (SDA) confirmed an award under Other Transaction Authorities, with a total potential value of approximately $64 million, to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to establish the Battle Management, Control and Communications (BMC3) software development and hosting environment for the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA).  SAIC will be responsible for the implementation of a BMC3 Application Factory and middleware layer to allow the PWSA BMC3 ecosystem to execute mission applications in support of warfighter needs. SAIC will guide the BMC3 mission application software developers through testing and deployment, allowing the PWSA to adapt to evolving threats and needs.
More specifically, SAIC will be responsible for the implementation of the BMC3 Application Factory (AppFac), the development of interfacing documentation, development processes for BMC3 application deployment, and the secure interoperable-middleware layer (SIL). As the first BMC3 application, the SIL provides future mission applications the ability to leverage the Tranche 1 Transport Layer vendors’ BMC3 payloads.
The BMC3 AppFac will enhance the capabilities of the PWSA to provide ubiquitous data communications and accelerated decision-making focused on enhancing the warfighters’ ability to find-fix-finish, FAST.