"One thing I can say for certain is that with regards to ideas, the more the better. And if you can look across the broad space ecosystem and pull in as many ideas as possible, regardless of the size of the vendor that's promoting that idea, you're going to be more successful at it putting solid innovative ideas on the plate."
U.S. Space Force Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, during his confirmation hearing for Chief of Space Operations
SDA to Host By-Invite Industry Day for HALO Pool Vendors and Prospective Payload Providers to discuss Tranche 2 Demonstration and Experimentation (T2DES) Europa Prototype Order
Posted on: December 20, 2024 Industry Day: February 10-11, 2025 Responses to Special Notice Due: January 22, 2025
The Space Development Agency, in conjunction with Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory, will host an industry day for Hybrid Acquisition for Proliferated LEO (HALO) pool members and invited potential payload providers February 10-11, 2025 in Lexington, Mass.
The industry day will focus on the draft prototype order for the upcoming Tranche 2 Demonstration and Experimentation Program (T2DES) Europa demonstration. Industry day events will include an overview of the Europa mission, tour of MIT Lincoln Lab testing facility, industry/teaming networking opportunities, and potential one-on-ones with SDA staff.
HALO pool members will receive industry day details through official vendor communication channels. U.S. companies interested in providing payloads for T2DES Europa should read carefully and respond to the special notice at the link below. Responses to the special notice are due January 22, 2025 by 5 p.m. ET. Payload providers selected to provide presentations will be notified no later than February 5, 2025.
SDA Publishes Request for Proposals for Tranche 3 Program Integration
Posted On: December 13, 2024 Responses Due: January 31, 2025
The Space Development Agency (SDA) released a final request for proposals for the Tranche 3 Program Integration (T3PI) effort of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). This solicitation seeks industry proposals to provide systems engineering and integration activities supporting the T3 program, which will extend the PWSA through the acquisition and integration of the next generation of space vehicles (SV) and associated ground segment (GS) elements.
Proposals must facilitate the delivery of T3 Tracking, T3 Transport, and T3 Custody Layer, integration with the PWSA ground and user segments, and advancement of the operational PWSA. The T3 Custody Layer is an envisioned future layer of the PWSA that would add the capability of continuous custody of target tracks.
SDA’s T3 programs will provide sustained capability with advances over Tranche 2 in capabilities such as coverage, sensitivity, and accuracy of missile warning, tracking, and defense capabilities; coverage, resilience, and capacity of tactical data links; position, navigation, and timing (PNT) resilience, accuracy of PNT solutions, and distribution of PNT solutions to users; continuous custody of target tracks and mission and network management performance and responsiveness enabled by autonomy.
To view the RFP and instructions on how to request the full package, visit the link below.
SDA Requests Industry Feedback on Tranche 3 Integration Draft Request for Proposals
Posted On: Nov. 8, 2024 Responses Due: Noon ET, Nov. 25, 2024
The Space Development Agency (SDA) released a draft request for proposals for the Tranche 3 (T3) Integration effort of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). This draft RFP seeks industry input ahead of selecting a vendor to provide systems engineering and integration activities supporting the T3 program, which will extend the PWSA through the acquisition and integration of the next generation of hundreds of space vehicles (SV) and associated ground segment (GS) elements.
SDA seeks input on a solution that provides a PWSA T3 Program Integration effort involving systems engineering and integration activities necessary to facilitate the delivery of T3 Tracking, T3 Transport, and T3 Custody Layer, integration with the PWSA ground and user segments, and advancement of the operational PWSA.
SDA’s Tranche 3 programs will provide sustained capability with advances over Tranche 2 in capabilities such as coverage, sensitivity, and accuracy of missile warning, tracking, and defense capabilities; coverage, resilience, and capacity of tactical data links; PNT resilience, accuracy of PNT solutions, and distribution of PNT solutions to users; and mission and network management performance and responsiveness enabled by autonomy.
To view the draft RFP and instructions on how to request the full package, use the link below.
SDA Posts Tranche 3 Industry Planning Notice
Posted On: October 2, 2024
The Space Development Agency (SDA) released a planning notice for Tranche 3 of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). This top-level solicitation timeline allows industry to plan to compete for upcoming acquisitions, in addition to supporting improved and more focused proposal responses.
SDA’s Tranche 3 programs will provide sustained capability with advanced improvements over Tranche 2 plus future warfighting applications. This includes advances in coverage, sensitivity, and accuracy of missile warning, tracking, and defense capabilities; coverage, resilience, and capacity of tactical data links; PNT resilience, accuracy of PNT solutions, and distribution of PNT solutions to users; and mission and network management performance and responsiveness enabled by autonomy.
To view the notice and instructions on how to request the full information package, use the link below.
Space Development Agency Systems, Technologies, and Emerging Capabilities (STEC) Broad Agency Announcement
Posted On: January 18, 2024 Original Date Offers Due: January 15, 2025
Through this updated Systems, Technologies, and Emerging Capabilities (STEC) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), SDA is soliciting executive summaries, invited proposal abstracts, and invited proposals for novel architecture concepts, systems, technologies, and capabilities that enable leap-ahead improvements for future tranches of the agency's Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA), capability layers, or, that enable new capability layers and missions areas to address other emerging or evolving warfighter needs.
SDA is seeking architecture studies, concepts of operations (CONOPS), modeling and simulation, system designs, key technologies, and/or risk reduction prototypes that are responsive to the following focus areas:
• Efficient Beyond Line-of-Sight Data Transport and Warfighter Communications
• Advanced/Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
• Advanced Target Custody, Warning, Tracking and Defeat
• Global Battle Management
Although not required, SDA strongly encourages submitting an executive summary in advance of a full proposal to ensure interest and potential funding availability. SDA releases an updated STEC BAA on an annual basis. Because SDA strives to always maintain an active BAA with similar focus areas, proposers are discouraged from submitting uninvited full proposals shortly before the BAA proposal due date simply to meet the submission deadline. They should consider instead submitting an executive summary to the subsequent BAA.
For a detailed description and submission instructions, check out the full BAA.
SDA Seeks Proposals for Network Orchestration Capability Study
Posted On: September 20, 2024 Response Date: October 21, 2024 by 5 p.m. ET
The Space Development Agency (SDA) is seeking full proposals for studies and modeling and simulation of a “Network Orchestration” capability that would support data transport among the SDA Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA), commercial satellite networks, and other space-based data transport networks via “translator” satellites (sometimes called “space exchange points”).
Please view the call for proposals, listed as Amendment 3 under the SDA STEC BAA, for additional details.
SDA Special Topics Among New Open Topics for Small Business Opportunities, 24.C Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Posted On: August 21, 2024 Submission Open: September 18, 2024 Closing Date: October 16, 2024
The U.S. Air Force AFWERX pre-released its 24.3C Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) topics, including opportunities to present novel and innovative technology for leap-ahead improvements for future tranches of currently planned Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) capability layers or to enable new capabilities to address emerging or evolving warfighter needs.
In addition, SDA is releasing a special topic, STTR Phase I - SF24C-T003 - Strengthening Space: Uniting Research and Innovation for PWSA, which will allow companies to apply for a larger Phase I STTR of $305K followed by a Phase II effort of $3 million. SDA plans to select five companies for Phase I followed by a down-select of three companies for Phase II.
Sept. 18, 2024 –Pre-release questions close; open for submissions.
Oct. 16, 2024– Full proposals to this BAA must be submitted in DSIP no later than noon ET.
For more information on the specific SBIR and STTR topics and instructions, please visit the links below.
SDA Posts Request for Information related to Tracking Layer for Tranche 3 of Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture
Posted On: June 28, 2024 Response Date: July 29, 2024, noon ET
SDA released a request for information (RFI) to gather input for the Tranche 3 (T3) Tracking Layer of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). The RFI provides an opportunity for industry to review and offer feedback in advance of solicitation posting. The T3 Tracking Layer will accelerate the proliferation of missile defense capability to provide low-latency fire control-quality data, while continuing to provide global, persistent indications, detection, warning, tracking, and identification of conventional and advanced missile threats, including hypersonic missile systems.
SDA plans to purchase and deploy approx. 54 – and potentially more – space vehicles (SV) with infrared (IR) sensors in six orbital planes using one or more vendors. SDA may also acquire additional satellites and sensor payloads under this other transaction authority (OTA) agreement to inform requirements and constellation design. The first orbital plane of the T3 Tracking Layer constellation will be launched no later than April 30, 2029, with the launches of subsequent orbital planes expected to follow on one-month intervals.
SDA requires each SV and communications system to be interoperable with the SVs and systems developed by all other PWSA performers. Additionally, all SVs must operate in an integrated fashion through a common ground system.
Information gathered through this RFI may inform future solicitations. View the full request for information at the link for additional details and submission instructions. Industry feedback is requested by July 29, 2024 at noon ET.
SDA Posts Solicitation and Industry Day Invite Seeking Pool of Performers for Hybrid Acquisition for Proliferated LEO (HALO) for Future Prototype Orders
Posted on: May 31, 2024 Industry Day: June 17, 2024 Original Response Date: July 11, 2024
SDA released a solicitation using other transaction authority (OTA) for the Hybrid Acquisition for Proliferated LEO (HALO) effort, the winners of which will be eligible to compete for future prototype orders. HALO is an acquisition approach to solicit and award rapid, affordable mission feasibility demonstrations. This solicitation provides an opportunity for industry to submit proposals for eligibility into an established vendor pool to compete for specific flight demonstration opportunities in the future. Only vendors in the HALO pool will be able to bid against specific demonstration prototype orders geared toward this effort, with the anticipation of multiple prototype orders being initiated and awarded per year.
A key goal of HALO is to put in place a flexible and fast contracting mechanism to compete and award Tranche 2 Demonstration and Experimentation System (T2DES) and other SDA demonstration projects. HALO may also increase the pool of performers capable of bidding on future SDA programs, including participation in layers of future tranches. HALO will provide opportunities for companies to gain valuable experience working with SDA on demonstration projects. HALO pool members will also be able to work directly with SDA to ensure their security capabilities are sufficient to perform on SDA missions.
HALO is structured as a multiple step competition, with initial selection into the HALO pool limited to non-traditional defense contractors. SDA is expecting multiple initial pool members and intends to review the pool periodically. For more information on the HALO pool requirements for mission success and representative prototype orders, view the full solicitation at the link below. Initial proposals to join the HALO pool are due by 12:00 pm ET on July 11, 2024.
In addition, SDA will be hosting an unclassified industry day event to provide additional information about this solicitation. The industry day focused on HALO will be held June 17, 2024, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET in-person (Northern Virginia) and virtually. Attendance is limited to 2 in-person and 2 virtual lines per organization. Registration for this event will close June 12, 2024.
SDA Issues Broad Agency Announcement for PWSA Battle Management Mission Applications
Posted On: May 20, 2024 Initial Response Date: June 19, 2024 Closing Date: May 19, 2025
The Space Development Agency (SDA) issued a Broad Agency Announcement (HQ085024S0002) calling for white papers and subsequent invited proposals for containerized software application concepts for battle management of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). These applications will offer substantial enhancements in capability for future tranches of PWSA capability layers. Additionally, the applications will enhance the adaptability of planned capability layers to address emerging or evolving warfighter needs. The PWSA will use a distributed Battle Management Command, Control and Communications (BMC3) hardware and software framework with mission-specific processing, algorithms, and applications across its various capability layers.
Through this BAA, SDA specifically seeks applications and services to support new and existing concepts of operation (CONOPS), knowledge gaps, system designs, key technologies, and/or risk reduction prototypes that enhance mission capability for defined tranches of PWSA capability layers, provide new capabilities addressing emerging or evolving warfighters needs, and provide enhanced Link-16 capability from space vehicles.
Notional Response Schedule:
Questions – Will be answered upon receipt.
White Papers Due (Strongly encouraged) -June 19, 2024
This broad agency announcement will remain open until May 19, 2025.
SDA participates in the DoD Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. Starting in October 2021, SDA began leveraging the DoD SBIR 22.4 Annual Program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) and the DoD STTR 22.D Annual Program BAA. These programs are competitive opportunities to encourage domestic small businesses to engage in research and development with the DoD. SDA will use the SBIR/STTR program to enhance future tranches and to inform the overall architecture of spiral development projects to demonstrate warfighter capability via proliferated low Earth orbit. Through a competitive awards-based program, SDA's SBIR/STTR efforts will enable small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from its commercialization. SDA will post updated small business opportunities under the DoD Annual SBIR and STTR BAAs throughout the year as we identify specific technical topics for industry consideration and will consider partnering with other organizations such as DARPA or Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), based on their research interests and the quality of small business proposals. The annual BAAs close Dec. 31, 2022.
The Space Development Agency (SDA) views small businesses as critical contributors to the performance of research and development supporting national security through space and is soliciting small business participation in the advancement of the Proliferated Warfare Space Architecture.
On November 28, SDA announced SDA24-P001 the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) Advanced Capability Development Open Topic under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs, inviting submissions of innovative research proposals supporting the advancement of the PWSA. We have several focus areas, including developing the optical communication terminal technology, integrating commercial sensing to the Transport Layer, In-space processing, generic BMC3 solutions, cyber, networking, and high performance clocks. Each of these has a team of subject matter experts working at SDA to develop and build the industrial base, and seeking new and innovative technology that will help support the warfighter and their mission.
The topic was posted publicly earlier in November as a preview for interested parties. Full topic descriptions for SDA24-P001 are available on DSIP at https://www.dodsbirsttr.mil/submissions/login and SDA SBIR instructions and topic descriptions are available under the DOD SBIR 24.4 Annual listing at https://media.defense.gov/2023/Nov/08/2003337722/-1/-1/0/SDA_SBIR_244_R1.PDF.
November 28, 2023: Topic opens, begin submitting proposals in DSIP
December 28, 2023: Topic Q&A closes to new questions at 12:00 p.m. ET
January 10, 2024: Topic closes, full proposals must be submitted in DSIP no later than 12:00 p.m. ET