SDA RFP Seeks Industry Proposals for Tranche 0 MSE&I
Response Date: August 13, 2020
Today, SDA posted a Request for Proposal (RFP) for SDA’s first generation (called Tranche 0) Mission Systems Engineering and Integration (MSE&I). The RFP seeks to provide systems engineering and integration services for SDA’s satellite and ground programs to field in late fiscal year 2022. SDA is soliciting industry partners to work alongside SDA, the U.S. Navy, and satellite vendors to deliver an integrated space and ground enterprise.
The MSE&I vendor will work with commercial and government space and ground providers to establish SDA enterprise-level technical and schedule baselines, interface with external customers, provide cybersecurity support for the integrated SDA enterprise, and lead test campaign planning and execution for warfighter mission scenarios and experiments in Tranche 0.
This RFP builds upon industry responses to SDA’s MSE&I Request for Information released in May 2020. Proposals are due August 13, 2020.