SDA Releases New Small Business Opportunities for Space-Based Environmental Monitoring
Original Response Date: June 15, 2021
SDA is issuing new Small Business Opportunities (SBO) under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, inviting submissions of innovative research proposals supporting the advancement of the National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA). Weather conditions critically impact the effectiveness of Department of Defense missions. The Space Development Agency (SDA) is issuing an SBIR/STTR Opportunity (SBO) inviting submissions of innovative research concepts for space-based environmental monitoring (SBEM). To deliver SBEM products from the NDSA, SDA seeks a preliminary system design for a next-generation compact passive polarimetric microwave radiometer and sounder (CP2MRS) with modular imaging and sounding capability to measure ocean surface vector wind, tropical cyclone intensity, and vertical temperature and atmospheric moisture profiles from low Earth orbit.
The SBO is issued under the SDA Broad Agency Announcement for SBIR/STTR, HQ085021S0001. The opportunity opened under pre-release rules on April 27, with proposal submissions accepted from May 12, 2021 through June 15, 2021. All proposals in response to these technical areas must be submitted in accordance with the instructions provided under HQ085021S0001.