SDA Releases New Small Business Innovation Research Topic for Integrated Architecture Technology (IAT)

Original Response Date: April 12, 2022

SDA is issuing new Small Business Opportunities (SBO) under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, inviting submissions of innovative research concepts supporting the advancement of our national defense space capabilities. This SBO (SDA224-001) pertains to modeling, simulation and analysis (MS&A).

This project looks to develop and demonstrate an integrated architecture technology solution that will serve as a testbed, enabling realistic and informative mission design that facilitates the formation of traceable requirements.

This SBO is issued under the DOD Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for SBIR, 2022.4. All proposals in response to the technical area(s) described herein must be submitted in accordance with the instructions provided under DoD SBIR FY2022.4, found at the link below. SDA is currently accepting and seeking proposals for Direct to Phase II (DP2) awards.