SDA Releases Call for Proposal Under STEC BAA Tranche 2 Ground, Management, and Integration Layer Phase 0

Original Response Date: January 12, 2023

Under the National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA) Systems, Technologies, and Emerging Capabilities (STEC) Space Development Agency (SDA) Broad Agency Announcement, HQ085022S0001, posted Jan. 13, 2022, SDA has issued a call for proposals. SDA is soliciting full proposals to perform engineering studies, analyses, and technical trades of the Tranche 2 Ground, Management, and Integration (GMI) Layer to inform the government’s technical baseline and follow-on acquisition approaches.

As part of the T2 GMI scope, SDA is contemplating the buildout of a third operations center (OC), notionally called the Test and Checkout Center (TCC). The TCC will be a standalone operations center with terrestrial connectivity, ground entry points, and all other necessary infrastructure to support the full range of T2 system operations.

SDA is soliciting only full proposals for industry partners to perform technical studies related to the T2 GMI effort. The scope of work are engineering studies, analyses, and technical trades to inform the government’s T2 GMI technical baseline. All contracted studies will be a fixed, short duration (90-day) technical effort with several major deliverables listed in the call for proposals.

Submissions are due by Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023. Please see the call for proposals for details, deliverables, and submission instructions.