SDA Posts Draft Solicitation Seeking Feedback on PWSA Futures Program (PFP), Ground Segment Integration (PGI)
Posted On: December 20, 2023
Response Date: January 19, 2024
SDA released a DRAFT solicitation for the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) Futures Program (PFP), Ground Segment Integration (PGI). The draft solicitation provides an opportunity for industry to review and offer feedback in advance of final solicitation posting. The overall goal of the PGI acquisition is to provide a common, enduring ground infrastructure and resources to minimize cost and complexity for PFP space vehicle demonstration and experimentation programs. This acquisition includes all activities required for the development, program management, systems engineering, integration, and operations and maintenance of the PGI.
SDA plans to build a PWSA PFP ground segment to support SDA’s Emerging Capabilities mission. SDA will deliver a ground segment to provide a service for managing shared ground resources; fit-out and manage a government-owned, contractor-operated facility called the Demonstration Operations Center; and provide a structured environment for cloud-based data processing.
The purpose of this draft solicitation is to inform industry of the Government’s requirements and allow industry to provide comments on the solicitation via a comment resolution matrix. View the full draft solicitation at the link for additional details and submission instructions. Industry feedback is requested by noon ET, January 19, 2024.
SPECIAL NOTICE – SDA to host PWSA Futures Program (PFP) Ground Segment Integration (PGI) Virtual Industry Day Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2024
Registration Opens: January 11, 2024
Registration Closes: January 25, 2024
The Space Development Agency will host an CUI virtual industry presentation ahead of the anticipated PWSA Futures Program (PFP) Ground Segment Integration (PGI) solicitation. The engagement will occur the morning of Wednesday, January 31, 2024 with opportunities for one-on-one meetings for potential primes following the presentation on January 31 and on February 1.
The intent of the PGI Industry Day is to provide an overview of the acquisition and allow time for government one-on-ones with potential prime bidders. The overall goal of the PGI acquisition is to provide a common, enduring ground infrastructure and resources to minimize cost and complexity for PFP space vehicle demonstration and experimentation programs (beginning with the F2 “FOO Fighter” and T2DES programs).
Companies MUST register to participate in the virtual briefings or one-on-one sessions no later than 1:00 p.m. ET on January 25, 2024. Potential vendors interested in attending the virtual industry day should contact the Special Notice mailbox email (ussf.pentagon.sda.mbx.sda-sn-24-0009@mail.mil) to receive event registration information.