SDA Issues Solicitation for Tranche 2 Tracking Layer Space Vehicles
Original Date Offers Due: October 6, 2023
SDA seeks industry proposals for Tranche 2 (T2) Tracking Layer space vehicles of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). The solicitation, issued using Other Transaction Authority and posted Sept. 5, 2023, seeks to advance the operational capability of Tranche 1 PWSA and further its resiliency.
The T2 Tracking Layer will (1) proliferate missile warning and missile tracking (MW/MT) infrared sensors (sometimes called wide-field-of-view) for near-global continuous stereoscopic coverage providing MW/MT mission capabilities, and (2) incorporate fire control (FC)/missile defense (MD) infrared sensors on a selected number of SVs that are capable of generating FC quality tracks to provide access to MD mission capabilities.
SDA requires each SV and communication system to be interoperable with the SVs and systems developed by all other PWSA performers as well as those to be deployed in Tranche 1. Additionally, all SVs must operate in an integrated fashion through a common ground system.
Please view the solicitation at the link below for additional information and proposal submission instructions. Responses are due by 5 p.m. ET on Oct. 6, 2023.