SDA Requests Industry Feedback on Tranche 3 Tracking Layer Draft Solicitation

Posted On: January 31, 2025

Responses Due: February 28, 2025

The Space Development Agency is seeking industry feedback for delivery of the Tranche 3 Tracking Layer of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). The T3 Tracking Layer will accelerate delivery from low Earth orbit of global, persistent indications, detection, warning, tracking, and identification of conventional and advanced missile threats, including hypersonic missile systems.

The T3 Tracking Layer will also accelerate delivery of a missile defense capability. The T3 Tracking Layer is anticipated to include the procurement and deployment of a minimum of 54 space vehicles (SVs) with infrared (IR) sensors in six orbital planes. Additional prototyping of satellites and sensor payloads may also occur under this Other Transaction in order to inform requirements and constellation design. The fully deployed Tracking Layer is estimated to include more than 100 SVs in low Earth orbit across multiple planes. 

Each Tracking Layer SV and communications system will be interoperable with all PWSA SVs, to include Transport Layer SVs and will operate and be integrated through a common ground system. As a result, the T3 Tracking Layer will provide low-latency data to in-theater weapon systems to ensure kill chain closure against stressing adversary weapon systems. 

Overall, SDA’s T3 programs will provide sustained capability with advances over Tranche 2 in capabilities such as coverage, sensitivity, and accuracy of missile warning, tracking, and defense capabilities; coverage, resilience, and capacity of tactical data links; position, navigation, timing (PNT) resilience, accuracy of PNT solutions, and distribution of PNT solutions to users; and mission and network management performance and responsiveness enabled by autonomy—all delivered through a spiral development model, just two years after the generation before.

To view the draft solicitation and instructions on how to request the full info package, visit the link below.