SDA Posts DRAFT RFP Seeking Industry Feedback on Tracking Tranche 0

Original Responses due by May 29, 2020

The Space Development Agency (SDA) seeks input on a DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) to inform the approach and technical requirements for the Tracking layer. Tracking Tranche 0 is expected to consist of approximately 8-10 satellites that are interconnected with cross links and wide field of view infrared sensors for missile warning and tracking.  The agency, which worked closely on this with MDA's HBTSS program, is looking for industry feedback to inform the current specific requirements and technical challenges that include, but are not limited to, low-recurring cost satellite buses, mass producible OPIR mission payloads and associated data processing, and interoperable crosslinks and networking.  Industry feedback is needed by May 29, 2020 to support our release of the full RFP expected in mid-June.

SDA Posts First RFP Seeking Proposals in Support of Transport Tranche 0

Proposals are due by Noon EDT on June 1, 2020

The Space Development Agency (SDA) seeks proposals on their first Request for Proposal (RFP) to help build the Transport layer. Transport Tranche 0 is an interoperable mesh network of tens of satellites to provide periodic low-latency and high-capacity data connectivity. The agency plans to award at least two contracts to build a total of 20 satellites with specific requirements and technical challenges, including low-recurring cost satellite buses, Link 16 and Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) mission payloads, and interoperable crosslinks and networking.

SDA Posts DRAFT RFP Seeking Industry Feedback on Transport Tranche 0

Original Response Date: April 17, 2020 

The Space Development Agency (SDA) seeks input on a DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) to inform the approach and technical requirements for the Transport layer.

Transport Tranche 0 Industry Day Audio Recording (April 2, 2020)

SDA Issues First DRAFT RFP Seeking Feedback for a Tracking Experiment Satellite

Original Response Date: March 31, 2020

The Space Development Agency (SDA) seeks input through a DRAFT Request for Proposals (RFP) regarding the launch of one Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) experimental satellite in 2021. This satellite, the "Tracking Phenomenology Experiment," will characterize scene backgrounds to optimize algorithms, Concept of Operations (CONOPS), and wavebands for advanced missile detection and tracking.

Space Development Agency Issues First Solicitation: Broad Agency Announcement seeks to develop "Intellectual Pipeline" for National Defense Space Architecture

Original Response Date: Jan. 20, 2021

SDA recognizes the need to establish an "intellectual pipeline" to access ideas from across the community to inform the future of the National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA).
Through this BAA, SDA specifically seeks novel architecture concepts, systems, technologies, and capabilities that:

  • Enable leap-ahead improvements for future tranches of currently planned NDSA capability layers
  • Enable new capability layers to address other emerging or evolving warfighters needs

To this end, SDA is soliciting executive summaries, white papers/proposal abstracts, and full proposals. Please see the BAA for details, focus areas, and submission instructions.